
Fame | J. J. Fad net worth and salary income estimation Sep, 2024

How about J. J. Fad's origin?

J. J. Fad Origin: Rialto, CA

How about J. J. Fad's skos genre?

J. J. Fad Skos genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

How about J. J. Fad's active from?

J. J. Fad Active from: 1985

How about J. J. Fad's record label?

J. J. Fad Record label: Ruthless Records

What happened to the rap group J.J. Fad?

Fad returned with a follow-up album. Not Just a Fad was released in 1991, produced by Arabian Prince, Yella and overseen by Eazy, but failed to make an impact. The group disbanded shortly afterward. DJ Train died in 1994 of smoke inhalation.

Who wrote J.J. Fad Supersonic?

In 2004, MF Doom sampled the beatboxing intro from the 1988 video for "Supersonic" in his song "Hoe Cakes" from his album Mm.. Food. In 2006, Teriyaki Boyz referenced J.J. Fad and "Supersonic" in their single Tokyo Drift (Fast & Furious).

Did MF Doom sample Supersonic?

In 2004, MF Doom sampled the beatboxing intro from the 1988 video for "Supersonic" in his song "Hoe Cakes" from his album Mm.. Food. In 2006, Teriyaki Boyz referenced J.J. Fad and "Supersonic" in their single Tokyo Drift (Fast & Furious).


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-08-04